To celebrate the launch of the Endgame Gear KB65HE Keyboard and OP1 Gaming Mice, we’re giving you the chance to get your hands on some incredible Endgame Gear peripherals.
Want to know more? Keep on reading for all the juicy details on how to enter this competition.
The Prizes
There are three prizes up for grabs in this competition. This includes:
- 1st prize: Endgame Gear OP1 8K Optical Gaming Mouse, KB65HE 65% USB Gaming Keyboard, and an MPC-1200 Cordura 3XL Gaming Surface.
- 2nd prize: Endgame Gear OP1 Optical Gaming Mouse and MPC-1200 Cordura 3XL Gaming Surface.
- 3rd prize: Endgame Gear OP1 Optical Gaming Mouse.
All of the gaming mice included come equipped with hot-swappable switches, meaning you’ll also be able to pick your switch type to ensure it suits your in-game demands.
How to Enter
As OP stands for Over Powered, all you need to do to enter is tell us why you’re OP! This can be in any format including videos, photos, or text. Your reason for being OP can either be real or made up, but it has to be believable!
Submit your entry in the thread linked below by the 19th of February and you’ll be entered into our prize draw.
In the meantime, let us know in the comments below whether you’ll be entering. Be sure to also tell us why you’re OP.