Top 10 Gaming Tech Advances of The Last Decade

Technology is always moving forward and it improves our lives in many ways. Over the last 10 years there have been remarkable changes to medicine, communication, media and travel. There are always some big hitters that influence the entire market and this top 10 focuses on what's most important for gamers. 1. Solid State Drives (SSDs) SSDs: Solid state drives are arguably the most important shift in PC hardware in the last decade, and their ability to be lightning fast, silent and compact makes them…

King of the cases, what’s right for you?

Enthusiasts spend hours picking parts, but too many people give too little thought to another vital component: their case. That’s a shame, because cases are important: a good case can make a system easier to build, offer more room for extra components and make your PC run with better temperatures and less noise. And let’s not forget the aesthetics, either – a good case can make your rig look stunning. We’ve got a huge range of the best computer cases at Overclockers UK – here…