RGB from any Angle
With the Lian Li UNI FAN SL-INF reverse blade fan, you can create the ultimate infinity mirror aesthetic within your build. The RSL-INF showcases Lian Li’s stunning infinity mirror RGB, as they feature a reverse airflow design. This means that they draw air through the cage of the fan and exhaust it out the uncovered side, as opposed to the standard design of drawing air in the uncovered side and exhausting through the cage. This makes them perfectly suited for air intake.
Usually when populating your intake, you must utilise a standard fan with the cage side pointing into your main chamber. Which, if it features RGB lighting, you lose the full effect. With its reverse fan blade design, the RSL-INF not only maintains peak airflow performance but allows the stunning infinity mirror RGB lighting to be on full display. What’s more, by pairing these fans with Lian Li’s standard UNI FAN SL-INF fans, you can create a unique RGB aesthetic for your build.
Controlling the RGB of RSL-Inf fans is simple, as you can utilise Lian Li’s powerful L-Connect 3 software. Employing L-Connect 3 you can adjust the lighting of individual fans or groups, to create a unified display. With a huge variety of colours available, multiple lighting effects, and the ability to control the fan blades and frames lighting separately, you will be able to create your perfect lighting setup.