Another AMAZING Product BY Logitech
by IanWell where do i start, anyone that has been into gaming has had sometime in they life had a Joystick with the trigger fire button & button or 2 on top. This just take the whole concept of Joystick gaming to not just the next level but up quite a few. Now most people will look at it thinking how can a joystick cost nearly 400 quid, ( got mine in sale at 267 with Pedals bundle). I can tell you now that it will be worth every penny spent on the X56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. some people like myself thought that the Xbox 360 controller for using on PC was ok to use for flying Helicopters or planes even spaceships. When i opened up the box it was a pure OMG WOW !!!!....The X56 Rhino has over 200 setting that you can program yourself or most games have it already set up, BUT with so many buttons it can take awhile to learn which button does what & if you don't like the way a setup is done you can change just a few main buttons or all controls. I had alway found flying in Arma 3 with Helicopters hard & had to use Auto Hover to land, With the X56 once you get use to the throttle control which seem hard at fast butit is very smooth & precise just little movements on the lever & you can have from 25% power to hover or BOOM push up the lever & 100% power forward on joystick your away flying with ease.Main game have used it for so far are Arma 3, Elite Dangerous, IL-2 Sturmovic, Take on Helicopters. All of them offer AMAZING gaming & hours of fun trying to learn easy part is taking off & flying around -Hard part is Landing it alive :) .You also get inside is a little box with different coil strength little bit of colour on the coils tell you which one is being used , This is so you can change the way the joystick moves from fast movement to more precise movement which was very handy for me & so easy to change the spring coils takes just few min 5/10min max.The switches on the throttle all metal not plastic & you have on this also a was to change the way the throttle is can be normal at pusing it up or you have a wheel on the side to just turn few times & your throttle with be lot harder to push up for power & down. All in all this X56 Rhino joystick by Logitech is a amazing bit of kit & well worth the money this will last years if looked after & for what you get both units are light in weight & powered by USB.I have the pedals that came in with the bundle but have not used them yet but once i do i will review them & post.Get on to OverClockerUK now with they great service you won't be needing any other company for any of your PC stuff